Search for Wills & Probate Records by Lidgett Search

Wills can be a mine of useful information when researching families.  They can give so many clues about an individual’s life and property – who they left wealth and property to, who they left other pecuniary legacies to, who chattels were left to.  Sometimes, they can be used to convey messages to the family after death…some stating regrets or admissions.  On a more mundane level, they confirm dates and place of death as well as well as who the Executors were.  They may also reveal addresses of the Will beneficiaries which can be very handy when you are tracking down the next generation.  However, not everybody makes a Will, particularly in less well-off families where there is very little to hand down.  In these cases, the leaving of small items was usually done by leaving instructions with friends or family without the expense of writing a legal document.

If a Will was made after 1858, they can usually be found through the GOV.UK website for a small fee and I can help you with this should you need.  Prior to 1858, finding Wills can get interesting (!) but there are a variety of sources to look through

Get in touch if you need my help.

“I now have a much clearer understanding of who I am and where I came from!”

Jane D Maidenhead