Category Archive: Uncategorised

What is AGRA?

AGRA is the Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives with whom I am an Asssociate. AGRA was founded in 1968 to maintain and promote high professional standards in the field of genealogy and historical research, and remains the professional body that all can rely upon for excellence. AGRA is also prominent as a representative […]

6 July 2023

Why Lidgett?

A Lidgett (formerly Lyd-gate) is an animal or livestock gateway and was usually an area on the edge of settlements and pastureland. Sitting on the eastern edge of the former mill town of Colne in Lancashire is the Lidgett (photo above) – a row of cottages built for handloom weavers in the late 1700s & […]

6 July 2023

Hello world!

Welcome my new website designed and built (along with my brand identity) by Neon and the awesome Dana Robertson. I look forward to hearing from you and working on your family history project.

5 July 2023